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Tips from a celebrity trainer on improving endurance when you're over 40

We were excited to see celebrity trainer and fitness expert Brent Bishop include Continual-G® in his exercise tips for those over 40. He suggests taking Continual-G® before working out. Glutathione supports the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), a nucleotide which carries energy within our cells. ATP helps keep our muscles, as well as all our cells, functioning properly.
Read below for his staying fit after 40 tips.
Don’t skip the warmup.
You may have been able to get away with it when you were younger, but now it’s important to prime your muscles and nervous system. Working out with tight, stiff muscles is a sure way to end up with knee and/or back pain.
Be careful not to over train.
Lately, some people are doing online boot camps every day. Some people are doing two workouts a day then going for a run! That’s not giving your body the recovery time it needs. Your body can only handle so much. And think about the free radicals created! You don’t necessarily need to rest every day but you should alternate your workouts. Do upper body one day. Do core work the next. Try doing a stretching program or yoga one day a week. This works wonders.
Get rid of the free radical mess caused by training.
Timing is important. You want a healthy supply of antioxidants on board when your body is at its peak of free radical imbalance. Glutathione is a very potent antioxidant that our bodies make on their own. But as we age, our glutathione-making process becomes less efficient so we need to find another way to offset the free radicals. Glyteine®, an ingredient found in Continual-G® drink mix, stimulates the body to make more glutathione in the cells, where it’s needed most. Take it before working out. It reaches its peak within about two hours, and stays with you for six to seven hours.
Eat more protein.
Insufficient protein intake is a big problem among older adults, especially women. Without protein, you lose muscle tissue, get injured more easily and you won’t recover from exercise as quickly. Plan to eat a high-protein shake or snack within 30 minutes after finishing a workout. That’s the window when your body is hungry for nutrients and will absorb them faster. For your meals, adding some cold-water seafood such as salmon, mackerel or sardines is a good choice, because they contain omega-3s which can help with muscle recovery and decrease inflammation.
Get adequate rest.
Deep, restorative sleep is when your body does most of its recovery work. You’ll know you’re getting enough sleep when you wake up in the morning feeling well rested and ready to go.